Who suffers more discrimination on the basis of age? Old people or young people?

With new skills and abilities being born thanks to technology, there're more and more adults being discriminated at their workplace. According to a study lead by author Justine Irving, as a result of discrimination, older workers face limited employment, training and promotion opportunities. "Older adults in our study described a subtle pressure from their colleagues and management to stop working in order to make room for the younger generation. This was regardless of their experience, enduring capabilities or working preferences," she said.

Even though we might have the image of young people being underrated or not taken seriously due to lack of experience in life, older people still win this round.

References: Staff as young as 45 facing age discrimination. (2017, April 25). Retrieved July 20, 2017, from http://www.hcamag.com/hr-news/staff-as-young-as-45-facing-age-discrimination-study-235700.aspx




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