Presentation feedback and a big thank you

We received feedback sheets on our presentation from our classmates and we're going to summarize them. Most people agreed that they enjoyed our NGO video, saying that the quality made it seem really professional. "Their explanation was so clear and specific! And the questionnaire was very interesting as well." commented one person.

Overall we received really good feedback but didn't get constructive criticism. We would have liked to know what we could've improved to make our presentation better for future projects. However, we  were glad due to the support and the compliments.

Lastly, we would like to say a big "THANK YOU" to all the people who took the time to follow us on this journey. We didn't imagine that people from all the world would take part in this and contribute to our research. We learnt so many things about discrimination and made us more passionate. We hope that someday we can make a world where we live without putting labels on each other.

Thank you for everything!

Melissa, Eriko


  1. I think your NGO will do a great job. The way you promoted yourselves were very attractive and effective, especially for young people. And I think it is an important thing because what matters and affect the situation the most for the future is their thoughts and actios. I think racial discrimination is the most ridiculous thing because we are all equal and unique. i don't know why some people can be superior than others just because of how they look like. i hope world gets better someday and all people start to respect individual differences.




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