Discrimination from various perspectives 2 -- Hispanic discrimination

1. Hispanics are the nation's largest minority group and among its fastest growing populations. According to the US Census Bureau (2013), the Hispanic population in 2012 was 53 million, making up 17% of the US population.
2.  According to a Pew research poll, Latino people are the 2nd most discriminated against ethnic group after African-Americans.
3. In 2011, less than 30% of Hispanic students graduated from high school, and less than 4% earned advanced college degrees.
4.  More than 20% of Hispanic females under the age of 18 live below the poverty level.
5.  In a study conducted by Rutgers University, 22% of Hispanic/Latino workers reported experiencing workplace discrimination, compared to only 6% of whites.
6. Working in discriminatory conditions often leads to depression, lack of self-confidence, bitterness, and withdrawal from work.
7. Hispanic females earn roughly 54 cents for every dollar earned by a white, non-Hispanic male, which accounts for a loss of almost $24,000 in a year’s time.
8. In 2011, Hispanics had the highest dropout rate (17%) for students ages 16 through 24.
9. More than 6 million Latino children were in poverty in 2010, 2/3 of whom come from immigrant parents.
10. Roughly 30% of Hispanics in the US lack health coverage.
11. In 2010, the state of Arizona passed a law authorizing local police to check the immigration status of anyone they reasonably suspect of being in the United States illegally.

Hispanics’ experience with discrimination or being treated unfairly varies greatly by age. Among Hispanics ages 18 to 29, 65% say they have experienced discrimination or unfair treatment because of their race or ethnicity. By comparison, only 35% of Hispanics 50 and older say the same – which is a 30-percentage-point gap.
In addition, Hispanics born in the U.S. (62%) are more likely than immigrants (41%) to say they have experienced discrimination or unfair treatment. There are also differences by race. For example, 56% of nonwhite Hispanics say this has happened at some point in their lives, a higher share than that among white Hispanics (41%).

Although its pranks and people helped the mother and daughter, they are doing this because that’s the issue which is happening right now.

What do you think of Hispanic American getting discriminated because of….

I am wondering if any of the discrimination that is claimed is job based? One reason is that a lot of blacks and Latino’s don’t have very much job training since most of the decent paying jobs is using a computer. I know I read an article last year or so about the high dropout rates in the high schools in the LA area. The fact that high school dropout rates are high for both blacks and Latinos worse for the illegal immigrants that drop out because they either can’t learn English or refuse too. A person must have the ability to converse with your boss or be able to take orders from your boss if you want to work for that person.



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