Good & Bad Websites

We are going to link each good and bad websites that we found relevant to discrimination.

Good Website: Tackling Discrimination. (n.d.). Retrieved from

This website from the European Commission clearly stated its goal; to raise awareness on any kind of injustice. Fundamental Rights, EU citizenship and free movement, Civil Justice, Contract Law, Criminal Justice, Data Protection, Gender Equality, Tackling Discrimination, Relations with third countries and finally Effective Justice. It explains to you your rights, and also types of discrimination are listed to show that anyone can be discriminated against. Here is a list of what was good about this website:

* The goal was clear.
* Well organized and information easy to find.
* Change of language available.
* In order to fight against discrimination, the site introduces organizations that offers financial support.
* It offers you help if you fell like you are discriminated against.

Bad website: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission . (n.d.). Retrieved from

This website from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was hard to understand. It didn't say its goal, who they were; basic information that is needed in every site. Although it provided links to relevant laws, regulations and policy guidance, fact sheets and Q&As, overall we had a really hard time trying to find out where to click to be led to things mentioned above. Here is a list of what was bad about this website:

* The goal and introduction of the organization/person responsible are not clear.
* No photos, graphics or videos.
* Difficult to find the information you're looking for.



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