Despite the differences, are people basically the same?

What does this even mean? We are different, but at the same time, we are... the same?

Of course you don't know what I mean. So I will explain myself better. Let's say you see two little girls and one little boy. The first girl is Dutch; blond and small, the other girl is African American and a little taller, and the remaining boy is Asian and even taller than the other two.

They don't have so many things in common, right?

Well, what I want to say is that they indeed have something in common, and this can be applied even when their gender is then same. Despite the differences, one important thing we all have in common is that we are human.

We might also have lots of other things or qualities in common with each other such as liking the same kind of music or enjoying similar types of food, but the one thing we'll always share with a stranger is that we are human beings. We all have flesh and bones. We all bleed red.

Regardless of the color of our skin, hair, or clothes, we are the same inside. We have the same basic wants and needs. We may choose different paths in our attempts to achieve these goals, but we're trying to get to the same place.

Take a look at this video with a powerful message that inspired me to write this post. I hope it inspires you to look at each other from a different perspective as well.



  1. I agree with you, we are different but at the same time, we are the same. How we look, having different skin colors, eye colors, hair colors, it’s just appearances, it’s so superficial. Having yellow skin represents your character? No way. Does it tell people what you like? No way. It’s just like this ridiculous blood type personality theory which Japanese worship. People with type B blood are selfish? All of them? Ridiculous.
    Being biased means being blind at the same time. Once you’re biased, you lose the opportunity to see the truth. On this issue, the truth is that, we are the same, humans.




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