What is discrimination?

In plain English, to "discriminate" means to distinguish, single out, or make a distinction. Even if you think you're not "discriminating", you are in fact doing it all the time. "I like blue rather than red, so I discriminate against the red paint for my office." "I interview two candidates and I prefer the experience of the one, so I discriminate against the candidate whose experience is not preferred" This type of discrimination is merely recognizing differences and is not bad in and of itself.

However, when we discriminate due to race, religion, sexual preference, sex, etc, the situation changes completely. Here is our current thoughts about discrimination after having discussed with our classmates:

We should never hate someone for their differences. We get nowhere in life doing so, and with expressing such hatred, we are hurting that individual more than we could possibly know. Discrimination is just plain evil. These things can have a sort bad mental effect on these people where they are beginning to have low self-steem, or they might end up being hateful and spiteful towards other people too. People have committed suicide because others don't know how to be respectful towards them when they did nothing at all to deserve their hatred in the first place. Discrimination is a virus that has spread relentlessly throughout the world. Unfortunately we don't think we'll be able to truly stop it, but it doesn't mean we can't fight it.


  1. I like your blog because you focus on not only one problem but many cases of discrimination.




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