Last four answers!!

Wow, how fast the time goes by. There're only four questions left and these are my answers:

Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

The society worries about gays as parents, but gay parents worry about the impact of society on their children. The prejudices from society can harm these adopted children only because it's still a rarity. However, if gays and lesbians were able to adopt more frequently, and without discrimination, society would be more open about gays as parents. So yes, everyone should be allowed to adopt children no matter what their sexuality is. Allowing homosexual couples to adopt everywhere will have the rights to be parents given back to them, something that should have never been taken away in the first place.

Are you born racist or not?

Absolutely not. Racism is a learnt behavior. We teach children fear and they mimic our reaction to the fear causing agent. You see a group of black people, so you hold onto your bag a little tighter, and your children just observe you. The media also plays an immense role in teaching children different things, and now the Internet. Most things on the news spread propaganda about certain groups of people and make people form a negative opinion based on the information they gathered.

Will discrimination ever disappear?

As long as inequality, hate, resentment, ignorance and different races exist, I'm afraid there is no way around it. There will be racism as long as we tolerate it, promote it and cultivate it in the younger generations. The world is not and never be equal.

Do films promote racial stereotypes?

Have you ever seen any comedy movie that didn't have a "ghetto" African American talking funny, or a lascivious Mexican with an exaggerated accent? I don't think so. Well, there is your answer.



  1. I was very impressed by your final presentation. The word discrimination are used in various situation such as racial discrimination, gender discrimination and so on. Each of them are complicated and difficult to remove completely. I have been living in Japan for 19 years and I haven't felt racial discrimination so much because most of people around me are Japanese. I thought it is not my problem, not familiar with me. However, in this globalizing society, this is no longer somebody else's problem. I have to think about it.




Word clouds

Presentation feedback and a big thank you

Which bathroom should transgender students use?