Is the level of discrimination in the world rising or dropping?

As you can see from the graphics above (I couldn't find one based on race related), discrimination has apparently decreased throughout the years. If you look at the time when we had Martin Luther King Jr. and those of his time, then yes, it has decreased greatly. However, if you're asking about now compared to 20 years ago, I think it's starting to increase in many ways, but also staying the same in other ways. Things are getting better in some ways, such as more people are accepting interracial and homosexual couples, but only because of those things increasing and it being more common. But even then, there are many who haven't accepted the change or what is "common" to see.
References: Who is driving increasing acceptance of gays and lesbians? (2010, August 2). Retrieved July 21, 2017, from
Women in the American workforce . (n.d.). Retrieved July 21, 2017, from