Do African American and white students attend colleges of equal quality?

While there has been an increase in black college-going, most of this rise has been in lower-quality institutions, at least in terms of alumni earnings, illustrates Jonathan Rothwell. Black students make up just four percent of undergraduate enrollees in the top decile of the nation'n four-year colleges, ranked by mid-career alumni earning figures. By contrast, 26 percent of students in the bottom rank of colleges are black:


These facts demonstrate what any number of Americans could tell you: there are significant racial disparities in terms of education access and quality in the US.

References: Black students at Top colleges: Exceptions, not the rule. (2015, February 3). Retrieved July 21, 2017, from

Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education . (1998, March 1). Retrieved July 21, 2017, from




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